
We believe in adopting greening methods that are appropriate and beneficial to their environment. Miyawaki forests, while great for urban greening, creating green lungs within the city are not suitable for all locations. We study the plantation requirement of the client, as well as the Flora of the region to provide customized plantation plans. We call this method of landscaping, that reflects the uniqueness of the region its in, as ecoscaping. The projects listed below, harness and build upon the existing biodiversity of the Marathwada region.


Green Belt - Grind Master Machines Pvt. Ltd.

This ecoscape was built on land provided through a unique partnership between Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, Marathwada Environmental Cluster Care and Grind Master Machines Pvt. Ltd. With a focus on building a recreational space they took the best elements of a thorny scrub forest and grasslands, physical features of a dry-river bed and rocky mounds.

Hillside Plantation Abdimandi, Khultabad

The first tripartite agreement of its kind between a corporate entity, an NGO and the Forest department, GoM, has focused on regenerating the green cover on a degraded hillside in the Daulatabad Ghats around Aurangabad. EcoSattva has been a key advisor to this program.

Traffic Islands, Aurangabad

In association with Grind Master, we have built green traffic islands that are not only visually appealing but also avert creation of potential garbage dumping points.